Useful commands


creates GIS.lab user account


backups all GIS.lab user accounts


backups GIS.lab client root and image


backups GIS.lab user account


builds new GIS.lab client image


runs command or launches interactive shell in GIS.lab client’s root

gislab-cluster event <event>

sends a custom event through the Serf cluster

gislab-cluster event reboot

reboot all members of cluster

gislab-cluster event reboot <hostname>

reboot particular client machines

gislab-cluster event shutdown

shutdown all members of cluster

gislab-cluster leave

gracefully leaves the Serf cluster and shuts down

gislab-cluster members

lists the members of a serve cluster

gislab-cluster members -tag sesion-active=*

lists client machines which are currently running user session


removes GIS.lab user account


lists GIS.lab users


adds or removes GIS.lab client machine’s MAC address


changes GIS.lab user’s password


restores GIS.lab user account from backup


displays information that can be used to diagnose DNS infrastructure, e.g. domain name or IP address, it is available only if TCP/IP protocol is installed

ping <hostname-or-ip-address-of-the-target-computer>

sends a test packet of data to a designated IP address to test connection using the TCP/IP protocol, it finds out whether the peer host/gateway is reachable

shutdown -h now

brings the system down; instructs the hardware to stop all CPU functions immediately

vagrant destroy

stops the running Vagrant machine and destroys all resources that were created during the machine creation process

vagrant halt

shuts down the running machine Vagrant is managing

vagrant provision

runs any configured provisioners that allow user to automatically install software, alter configurations, and more on the machine as part of the vagrant up process against the running Vagrant managed machine

vagrant provision --provision-with test

runs tests with Vagrant


imp Variable GISLAB_TESTS_ENABLE must be set as yes in system/host_vars/gislab_vagrant file.

vagrant reload

the equivalent of running vagrant halt followed by vagrant up

vagrant status

tells the state of the machines Vagrant is managing

vagrant up

creates and configures guest machines according to Vagrantfile

vagrant version

tells the version of the installed Vagrant as well as the latest version of Vagrant that is currently available

VBoxManage list runningvms

gets a list of all running VirtualBox virtual machines